Various fan and tour photographs. Needless to say in the days before everyone took an iPhone to record gigs there are precious few concert photos about.
18 November 1984. The Riverside Club, Fetcham, Leatherhead.
Marquee, London, 31 October 1985. I saw a post online from Kenny once, stating that this was one of his favourite gigs of all time. Here is a flyer from the time and some live shots from that show.
Germany, somewhere, sometime, photographer unknown.
SOUNDS cover shot, by Tony Mottram.
Rolling Stone, by Paul Natkin.
86 US tour pics from Sean Haney.
Venue unknown.
86 US tour pics from Bill.
Australia November 86, unknown venue. Photos Robin Kaplan.
23 June 1987 Roker Park, Sunderland Football Stadium
. Support on David Bowie's Glass Spider tour. Photos Dave (Chalkie) Dawson.
4th February 1988 Coventry Polytechnic. Photos Jon Steer.
17 April 1988. City Gardens, Trenton, New Jersey. Photos DC Harbold.
Chris and Kenny at the Berlin Wall, and a bunch of Kenny's back stage passes. Photo Chalkie Dawson.
On SBMFM radio above are Tracking The Dog, live on BBC Radio 6, 12 February 1988, and Accident Prone, live off the sound desk, Australia 1986 from the Sound Desk Sampler.